Using contact forms to connect you with your site users since 2004.

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" I tried your system. It is very reliable and fast. I get the response on my email immediately. The software is easy to work with and user friendly. I upgraded my account to Premium within hours of testing. No regrets. This is what I was looking for. I would highly recommend it! "

Eddie Santos

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Messages Sent from AOL and Yahoo! E-mail Addresses

Recently AOL, Yahoo!, Gmail, and other ISPs have implemented highly restrictive anti-SPAM measures that in many cases cause form submissions to be tagged as SPAM. As a response, has needed to implement new policies to ensure that any affected messages are still delivered to our users. You will now see that the 'From' e-mail header in your form submissions lists This policy has been implemented to prevent erroneous SPAM filtering and ensure we comply with DMARC standards. Clicking 'Reply' in your e-mail client will still send the response to the appropriate e-mail address.

The changes that AOL and Yahoo! have made are negatively affecting the majority of their users. It is our hope that they will roll back their policy in the near future. We will continue to monitor the situation and make changes as needed to ensure users are impacted as little as possible.

For more information on the broad changes Yahoo! and AOL have made, please read the following press articles: