Using contact forms to connect you with your site users since 2004.

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" I just want to say what a fantastic system you have. I have been using your forms for nearly 2 years and never had a problem with them. I love all the extras. Since I started to use the CAPTCHA I no longer get junk emails. I now use your forms on all the sites I build. Well done on such a great system. "

Buster Keanan

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Student Evaluation Survey makes it very easy to create a student evaluation survey like the sample form below. The form below is available as a template when using the form wizard. The form wizard walks you through the entire process of building the form and then outputs a snippet of HTML code for you to place on your web site. No special servers or programming required! Additionally, you can use to create 100% customizable forms. To get started, sign up for your free account here.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Course: *
Term: *
Active Participation in Class: *
Above Average
Below Average
Completion of Assigned Tasks: *
Above Average
Below Average
Self-Motivation: *
Above Average
Below Average
Cooperation / Teamwork: *
Above Average
Below Average
Desire to Learn: *
Above Average
Below Average
Preparedness: *
Above Average
Below Average
Effective Use of Time: *
Above Average
Below Average
Grasp of Knowledge: *
Above Average
Below Average

Verification Code:
Enter Verification Code: *

* Required