Free Books on Anxiety Survey

Book #1 Title: Unlock Victorious Kingdom Thinking Subtitle: Transform the Lies We Believe, Quiet the Mind, and Step Into Your your God-Given Purpose
Book #2 Title: Stop Negative Thought Patterns Driving Anxiety Subtitle:Change Your Negative Core Beliefs to Align with God's Word
I used to
1. To get the love I must perform to earn love or praise
2 To get love, it depends on how I act
3. To get love, it is how I look and dress
4. None
1. I need to ‘earn’ my happiness.
2. I need to control my surroundings to manage my emotion
3. need to hide my emotions from others
4. I’m unworthy of love
5. Even my best efforts aren’t good enough
6. I feel guilty when I take time out for me
7. I can never make a mistake
7. I can never make a mistake
9. Other
10. None
1. Self-critical voice
2. Self-doubt your abilities like overthinking
3. People-pleasing to make others happy
4. You cannot say no fear of disappointing others and fighting with guilt
5. Projecting fear into the future expecting things to go wrong
6. Driven by perfectionism - failure is not an option
7. Worry 50% of the time: children, finances, job, marriage, etc.
8. I compare myself to others
9. Procrastinator - hard to start or finish projects
10 Other
11. None of the above
1. Anxious thoughts
2. Anxiety
3. Stressed almost daily
4. Fatigued on a daily basis
5. Low Self Esteem
6. Depressed 50% of the time
7. Overwhelmed 50% of the time
8. Insecure feelings
9. Health issues: stomach or skin issues high blood pressure or diabetes or weight issues
10. Undereat or overeat to cope
11. Other
12. None of the above
1. Critical Parent(s) or husband
2. Verbally abusive parent(s) or (ex)husband
3. I felt neglected growing up
4. Manipulated by guilt by a parent(s)
5. I could not live up to my mom’s expectations
6. I could not live up to my dad’s expectations
7. Not validated or valued growing up
8. Parents divorced and felt like it was my fault
9. Narcissistic Parent or (ex)husband
10. Alcoholic parent(s)
11. Witness parents fighting, yelling, hitting each other
12. Went through traumatic events: rape, molestation, bad divorce, etc.
13. I've been robbed
14. Loss of someone significant unexpectedly
14. Other
15. None of the above
1. I don't feel secure enough on my job to step out
2. It holds me back from doing things for God
3. It affects my relationships with others outside the family
4. It affects my relationship within the family
5. I feel like I am not growing spiritually in the things of God
6. I feel like a could be a better housewife if I didn't have these negative thoughts
7. The anxiety cripples my life
8. I'm not able to work because of the anxiety
9. I know I am called to serve but just cannot step out
10. I worry about what people think that keeps me from stepping out into God
11. What have you tried to overcome your issue?
12. I feel like if I mess up, got will punish me
13. Other
14. None
1. Counseling
2. Inner healing
3. Deliverance
4. Prayer Ministry
5. Healing Lines
6. Medication(s)
7. I've done visualization
7. I've done Yoga
8. Other
9. None of the above

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